For more than 10 years, the cluster of the 7 vocational schools of PROVENCE FORMATION in line with the objectives of an internationalization strategy attached to the core of the educational project of the schools, has implemented and managed more than 10 mobility projects in several European countries and embed professional mobility in new curriculum, relying on a long and significant experience in the implementation of mobility projects
Today, more than 400 young people and 100 staff members have benefited from these mobilities across Europe giving participants new skills for their professional life or job Alongside, Erasmus partnership projects have been fulfilled, 2 being currently going on.
Consequently, this project has finalized professional mobilities for:
- • 51 students in Bac Pro European division in Commerce, Sales, Administration accomplished their placement in Great Britain, Malta between 28 and 35 days
- • 41 students in Bac Pro Catering, hospitality & Health Care undertook their job training in Great Britain and Malta among which 24 in nurseries and care home, 21 to 28 days • 21 students in CAP Catering and hospitality learnt new professional skills in restaurants in Belgium, 11 and Malta, 10 for 14 days
- • 7 students in Bac “Technologique” STMG (management of organization) had the opportunity to join a “project-based learning «program for 14 days during which they learnt how to develop a company from the idea to the business plan and its communication
- • 9 teachers did their job shadowing in professional fields linked to students ‘curriculum: 5 of them were placed in nurseries or care home in England; 4 of them were incorporated in a holiday club with service in restaurant and cooking practice in Finland All of them are engaged in using their new skills and knowledge in their teaching, especially all information linked to health and safety and also to adapt the contents to students’ preparation to mobility
- All flows were supervised by accompanying teachers for various length of stay, depending on students age and needs in order to insure follow up; during their stay, students were regularly met by the teachers to review any difficulty in their work placement or host family, adjust if necessary and also work on the Europro file
- All students selected followed a linguistic and cultural preparation in advance in order to make the most of their experience abroad
- All, on all destinations, participated to socio-cultural activities planned by teachers or on their own initiative in the host country. Teachers involved in a job shadowing prepared their mobility, worked on their Europass CV, cover letter and their objectives for the requested training
This project complies with the “Lycée des Métiers” and the Erasmus Charter quality certification in order to answer the identified requirements
The following objectives have been achieved:
- transnational mobility enabled 120 learners, 9 teachers & 33 accompanying staff to train, develop professional and linguistic skills and inscribe mobility in a large range of curriculum
- A majority of participants has developed new professional and linguistic skills, wherever they stayed: all managed to adapt and practice new working methods, encouraging acquisition of new soft skills and savoir-faire.
- Teachers engaged in mobility shared methods and good practice with their counterparts in UK or Finland, observed various pedagogical or assessment methods; they developed their linguistic skills and discovered new professional environment linked to the curriculum they teach in France.
- Validation of the professional experience has been formalized by the EUROPASS for all